Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Interesting Facts About Words and Typing

Any typist knows that the phrase “the quick brown fox jump over the lazy dog” consists of all the letters of the alphabet but here are some interesting facts that I discovered that possibly they do not know and maybe you too.

Did you know that the word “stewardess” is the longest word that you can type with only your left hand, why not try it? And the word “lollipop” is also the longest word that you can type with only your right hand.

Aside from that, no word in the English language that will rhyme with purple, silver, orange and month, if you cannot believe it then why don’t you try thinking any words that will perfectly rhyme with them. J In addition, the word “dreamt” is the only English word that ends with “mt”.

The words “level”, “kayak” and “racecar” are also the same whether they are read from left to right or vice-versa. I probably guess that you were going to do this one. There are also only four English words that end in “dous” and these are hazardous, stupendous, horrendous and tremendous.

Moreover, there are also two English words that have all the five vowels in order and these are “facetious” and “abstemious”. The word “typewriter” is the longest English word that can be typed using the letters only in one row of a keyboard. I already figured out that you are going to test it. Lastly, an average individual’s left hand does 56 percent of the typing.


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